Digital Edition Technology Приложения

tlm – the travel & leisure mag 5.2.2
Digital Edition Technology
TLM is the ultimate travel and leisure magazine
Packaging Gazette 2.0.0
Digital Edition Technology
Packaging Gazette, the leading magazine for packaging professionals- the official app of Packaging Gazette magazine
GASCo Flight Safety 5.1.1
Digital Edition Technology
The UK’s General Aviation Safety Council (GASCo) About GASCo:Almost all of the many organisations that represent not only thepilots who fly GA aircraft in the UK are represented but also themany others such as the engineers who are responsible for safety ingeneral aviation are members of the Council covering ballooning,gliding, hang gliding, home built aircraft, historic aircraft,microlighting, parachuting, paragliding, helicopter flying, modelaircraft flying and of course general aviation aeroplanes.Internationally, GASCo is also represented at EASA on the EuropeanGeneral Aviation Safety Team and the General Aviation SafetyCouncil of Ireland is also a member. Its aims are: • To collect,collate and disseminate flight safety information among users of UKregistered general aviation aircraft. • To study all mattersaffecting, or which might affect, flight safety in UK generalaviation and to make recommendations to interested parties, asnecessary. GASCo Flight Safety magazine is published to increasethe awareness of safety issues among the general aviationcommunity. Although aimed mainly at pilots of any kind of "flyingmachine" it contains information relevant to all those whoparticipate in general aviation whether as pilots, maintainers,designers, builders, providers of airport services and Air TrafficControl services. The magazine provides an independent view ofGeneral Aviation flight safety and is internationally respected forits informative articles, presentation of facts and the friendlystyle in which these are conveyed. An annual subscription to theprinted version of GASCo Flight Safety costs £16 for four editionper year. A relatively small amount considering the potentialbenefits that might accrue and the support given to the charity.Visit the GASCo website:
Turf Business 5.2.1
Digital Edition Technology
Turf Business – the monthly magazine for everyone whose business isturf
Apazine 5.6
Digital Edition Technology
Apazine enables you to publish your magazines, brochures, books
Garden and Hardware News 2.0.0
Digital Edition Technology
The leading trade publication for garden centre & hardwareretail professionals
Exquisite Essex
Digital Edition Technology
Exquisite Essex is the ultimate luxury lifestyle magazine forresidents of Essex
Floral Fundamentals 5.7.2
Digital Edition Technology
Info about flowers, plants and sundry products used in the floralindustry
Asian Glass 5.6.3
Digital Edition Technology
Asian Glass magazine is the leading industry title
Architecture Magazine 5.4.3
Digital Edition Technology
The leading product and technology magazine for architects
FMCG CEO 5.1.1
Digital Edition Technology
The leading trade publication for food and drink and FMCG industryprofessionals
Digital Edition Technology
Scan yourself in and out of venues and share contact details for 21days
La Revue [DEMOS] 5.1.4
Digital Edition Technology
Informez vous avec La Revue [DEMOS]! Chaque mois nous publionsundossier pour comprendre un enjeu contemporain avec unedémarcheacadémique, critique et objective. La Revue [DEMOS] est unprojetparticipatif de plusieurs centaines de bénévolesuniversitaires.Notre mission est d'informer sur les réseaux àl'heure où 47% desmoins de 34 ans s'informent principalement surles réseaux. C'estpourquoi nous avons développé un magazine onlinepour êtrespécifiquement lu sur smartphone et tablette. Vous yretrouverez unsujet analysé à travers plusieurs disciplines etperspectives, àsavoir à l'aide de rubriques géopolitique,d'actualité française,culturelle, philosophique, mais aussi desinfographies, desrétrospectives, des dessins de presse, des revuesde presse, desprésentations d'ouvrages, des tribunes et desinterviews. Pour ensavoir plus sur le projet: numéros précédents ainsique les prochains numéros sontdisponibles à l’achat surl’application. Les prochains numéros sontégalement disponibles viales abonnements, avec renouvellementautomatiques: • 12 numéros (1an) L’abonnement inclut le numéro dece mois-ci, si vous ne l’avaitpas déjà. Le paiement sera débité devotre iTunes lors de laconfirmation de l’achat. Cet abonnementsera renouveléautomatiquement, sauf si vous désactivez lerenouvellementautomatiques au moins 24 heures avant. Votre compteiTunes serafacturé dans les 24 heures avant la fin de la périodeen cours. Lecoût du renouvellement correspondra au prix initial del’abonnement.Vous pouvez désactivez le renouvellement automatiqueen accédant auxparamètres de votre compte utilisateur aprèsl’achat. Aucuneannulation de l’abonnement en cours n’estautorisée. L'abonnement àl'application ne propose pas de prix delancement et ne propose pasd'essai gratuit. Vous pouvez consulternotre politique deconfidentialité à l’adressesuivante:
My MS-UK 5.10.5
Digital Edition Technology
The bi-monthly magazine from MS-UK
Interior Designer Magazine 5.3.1
Digital Edition Technology
ID is the leading trade magazine for interior designers
Wireframe Magazine 5.10.6
Digital Edition Technology
Wireframe is the fortnightly magazine that lifts the lid on videogames
Asian Ceramics 5.6.3
Digital Edition Technology
Asian Ceramics magazine is the leading industry title ceramicsindustry
inPRINT 5.3.4
Digital Edition Technology
Inprint is the official membership magazine of the BPIF, andisunique in its delivery of industry information. Launched in2008,it is an essential, regular conduit of communication betweentheBPIF and its members, and is an important feature ofmembership.Compiled by experts from all areas of print, Inprint isa leadinginformation source providing up-to-date insight andcomment forsenior print industry managers on the latest ‘need toknow’business practice areas such as: - Health and Safety-Environmental and Quality issues - Training - Human Resources&Legal - Member news - Government & research - Technology-Industry information and statistics Content also includescasestudies, interviews with key personalities, and a diaryofforthcoming industry events. The BPIF (British PrintingIndustriesFederation) is a thriving, best-in-class tradeassociationinvigorating a modern, progressive print industry. Weinspire thosewithin the UK print, printed packaging and graphiccommunicationindustries to see opportunities for growth. It is oneof thecountry’s largest and most dynamic trade associations andserves asector which has a collective annual turnover of £14billion andemploys approximately 112,000 people. Through a team ofindustryexpert advisors and consultants, the BPIF provides highqualityadvice and support for printing companies to help themdevelophealthy, sustainable and profitable businesses. The BPIF ataglance: - Not for profit organisation - Largest trainingproviderto the British printing industry - Represents industry onanational level - Helps to shape Government thinking -Specialistareas represented by series of Special Interest Groups -Wide rangeof national and regional networking opportunities -Series ofprestigious events
H&E naturist Digital
Digital Edition Technology
The leading monthly magazine aimed at all those who enjoy naturism
Explore More Magazine
Digital Edition Technology
Explore More is the exciting travel magazine from Viking Cruises
TFN – Third Force News 5.1.1
Digital Edition Technology
The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector.
Houseproud Magazine 5.7.2
Digital Edition Technology
Welcome to the Houseproud Magazine reader app. HouseproudMagazineis your local free monthly magazine dedicated to homes,interiors,gardens and architecture. Inspiring homeowners toupdate,modernise, refurbish, improve, and enhance their livingspace.Covering everything from interior design, homeimprovements,architecture, garden design and more, Houseproud is atrueinspiration to its readership, making it the perfect mediumtopromote your business. Generating unrivalled local brandawarenessand advertising response that converts into new business.Highquality editorial and stunning page design featuringlocalprojects, local homes and local people ensures HouseproudMagazinecaptivates and inspires local home owners. Providing awealth ofideas, advice, project features and top tips, each issuebringslocal expertise to a quality audience.
Africa Confidential 5.3.6
Digital Edition Technology
Africa Confidential provides commentary of political and economicaffairs.
Digital Edition Technology
It is customized individual region with corporate regionalandlocalized content
Private Hire and Taxi Monthly 5.1.11
Digital Edition Technology
PHTM is the market-leading taxi/private hire trade publicationinthe UK
Popshot magazine 5.3.6
Digital Edition Technology
Popshot is an illustrated literary magazine that publishesshortstories.
ICE Careers Guide 5.0
Digital Edition Technology
For apprentices, undergrads and graduates planning a career incivilengineering